Need Your Thoughts: Amazon KDP vs. IngramSpark for Publishing

Hi Readers! Wondering if you can help me?!

I’m in a bit of a quandary and could really use some advice from the hive mind here. I’ve been using Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) for a while now to get my books out there, but lately, my sales have taken a nosedive. I’m wondering if it’s time to try something new, like IngramSpark. I’d love to hear your experiences and get some pointers!

My Experience with Amazon KDP

I’ve stuck with Amazon KDP because it’s straightforward and has a massive reach. But the recent dip in sales has got me thinking. Here’s a quick rundown of what I like and don’t like about KDP:

Pros of Amazon KDP

  1. Easy Peasy: KDP’s interface is super user-friendly.
  2. Massive Audience: Amazon’s reach is huge, so lots of potential readers.
  3. Decent Royalties: Up to 70% royalties on eBooks in certain countries.
  4. Print-on-Demand: No need to worry about upfront printing costs.
  5. KDP Select: Access to Kindle Unlimited and other promo perks.

Cons of Amazon KDP

  1. Exclusivity Rules: KDP Select demands exclusivity, which limits where you can sell.
  2. Bookstore Blues: Hard to get print books into physical shops.
  3. Inconsistent Earnings: Sales and royalties can be all over the place.
  4. Crowded Market: Standing out among the millions of books is tough.

Thinking About IngramSpark

With KDP not performing as well, I’m considering giving IngramSpark a go. I’ve heard it offers better distribution options, but I’m aware it’s not all sunshine and roses. Here’s what I’ve found out so far:

Pros of IngramSpark

  1. Wide Distribution: Gets your book into loads of online and physical bookstores worldwide.
  2. No Exclusivity: You can sell through multiple platforms, including Amazon.
  3. Top-Notch Printing: High-quality print options, which bookstores love.
  4. Better Bookstore Chances: More likely to be picked up by physical stores and libraries.
  5. Professional Services: Offers editing, design, and marketing help.

Cons of IngramSpark

  1. Upfront Costs: You have to pay setup fees for each book format and extra for changes.
  2. Complexity: The platform can be a bit of a faff to use.
  3. Lower Royalties: Might earn less due to the discounts needed for bookstores.
  4. Print Quality Issues: Some folks have had problems with print consistency.
  5. Marketing Demands: Requires more effort and cash to market your books.

Over to You

Given the slump in my KDP sales, I’m at a crossroads. Should I stick it out with KDP and tweak my approach, or dive into the world of IngramSpark? I’ve got a few questions for you brilliant bunch:

  1. Anyone else noticed a drop in KDP sales? How did you turn things around?
  2. If you’ve used IngramSpark, how did it go in terms of sales and getting into shops?
  3. Can you use both KDP and IngramSpark without issues?
  4. What marketing tips do you have for either platform?

Thanks a million for any advice you can share. Really appreciate you taking the time to help out. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!

2 responses to “Need Your Thoughts: Amazon KDP vs. IngramSpark for Publishing”

  1. I’m bookmarking so I can see what people say about this. I like how you listed the pros and cons of each. 🌺


    1. Finger crossed for some replies

      Liked by 1 person

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