Boost My Book: Seeking Advice on Amazon Keywords for My Thriller Novel

Hi everyone,

Following on from my post yesterday, where I was pondering why my Amazon sales are dropping, I decided to have a look at my Amazon keywords. After doing some research, I’m still feeling a bit stuck and could really use some advice from this fab community.

I need some help with optimising the Amazon keywords for my latest novel. It’s a suspense thriller set against the backdrop of a deadly plague, where a young bloke’s quest for recognition spirals into a globe-spanning conspiracy with far-reaching consequences. Here’s a brief rundown of the book to give you an idea:

A Deadly Plague. A Twisted Plot. A Family Torn Apart.

In a world gripped by a deadly threat, a young man’s quest for recognition sets in motion a chain of events that will shape destinies. Fuelled by inner turmoil, he seizes an opportunity presented by a mysterious figure, launching a plan that spans continents and unleashes chaos.

As the scheme escalates beyond their control, law enforcement and intelligence agencies converge, turning the streets of London, the hills of Wales, and the labs of Mozambique into a battleground.

In the shadow of imminent danger, each player grapples with the consequences of their choices and confronts the ghosts of their pasts.

The fabric of family is stretched to its limits, torn apart by the unpredictable twists of fate. This suspenseful tale weaves a narrative of intrigue and suspense, exploring the lengths individuals will go to carve out their place in a world overshadowed by a deadly plague.

Brace yourself for a riveting journey through the complexities of ambition, deception, and the indomitable human spirit.

Will they succeed in their plan or destroy themselves and everyone they love?

Given this gripping plot, I’m after some advice on the best keywords to use on Amazon to attract the right readers. Here are a few elements and themes from the book that might help:

  • Suspense and Thriller: The narrative is packed with suspenseful moments and thrilling action sequences.
  • Deadly Plague: The story revolves around a global pandemic that adds an element of urgency and danger.
  • Conspiracy: The plot involves a complex and far-reaching conspiracy that spans multiple continents.
  • Family Drama: Central to the story is the impact of these events on a family’s dynamics and relationships.
  • Action and Adventure: The book features intense action scenes across various international settings.
  • Mystery and Intrigue: There are numerous twists and turns that keep the reader guessing.

Here are some initial keyword ideas I’ve considered:

  • Pandemic thriller
  • Conspiracy novel
  • Family suspense
  • Action adventure books
  • International intrigue
  • Mystery and thriller
  • Suspenseful family drama
  • Global conspiracy

I’m eager to hear your thoughts and suggestions. Have you found success with certain keywords for similar genres? Are there any specific strategies or tools you use to identify the best keywords? Any advice or recommendations would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks so much for your help!

(And if you’d like to read Rabbit Fever to be able to best advise on my keywords, click the link below!)

4 responses to “Boost My Book: Seeking Advice on Amazon Keywords for My Thriller Novel”

  1. I’m sorry I don’t know much about keywords. I just wanted to say your book sounds really good! 🌺


    1. Have you read it yet?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. No, but I would really like to. 🌺


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